In nature, there are many substances that have good bactericidal or microbial inhibition function, such as some organic compounds with specific groups, some inorganic metal materials and their compounds, some minerals and natural substances. However, antimicrobial materials are more commonly referred to as a new class of functional materials that have the ability to inhibit or kill surface bacteria by adding certain antimicrobial substances (called antimicrobial agents).

Silver ion antimicrobial agent
Testing range for antibacterial materials
Antibacterial plastics, antibacterial fibers and fabrics, antibacterial ceramics, antibacterial metal materials, etc.
Antibacterial material testing items
Bacteria detection, mold detection, qualitative detection, quantitative detection, etc.
Antimicrobial material testing standards
1、GB 21551.2-2010 antibacterial, antibacterial, purification function of household and similar appliances. Special requirements for antibacterial materials
2、GB/T 21510-2008 Testing methods for antimicrobial properties of nano-inorganic materials
3、SN/T 4307-2015 Photocatalytic antibacterial material safety evaluation methods
4、NF G39-020-2013 Textile materials. Determination of antibacterial activity of finished antibacterial products
5、SN/T 3122-2012 Inorganic antibacterial material antibacterial performance test method
6、QB/T 2881-2007 Footwear lining and insole materials antibacterial technical conditions
7、BS EN ISO 20743-2007 Textile materials. Determination of antibacterial activity of finished antibacterial products
8、ISO 20743-2007 Textile materials. Determination of antimicrobial activity of antibacterial finishing products
9、AATCC 100-2004 assessment of antimicrobial finishing agents for textile materials