Pathogenic bacteria exist in 92% of hand sanitizers. Are your hands really washed clean?

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During the epidemic, more and more people are paying attention to hand cleaning and disinfection, but some people are worried that the hand sanitizer in public toilets is used by a lot of people, whether it will make their hands “dirtier and dirtier”.

Can public hand sanitizers have excessive bacteria?

As early as October 2020, a research team from Chungbuk University Health Science University in South Korea tested hand sanitizers in public restrooms in the city and found that 92% of the hand sanitizers were found to have pathogenic bacteria.

And in 2013, CCTV Finance “is it true” column has also done a survey of Beijing’s shopping malls as well as restaurant bathrooms were sampled, the survey showed that a number of public places bathroom hand washing bacteria exceeded the standard. Among them, the colony count was as high as 2300 CFU per gram, and even in some public places, the bacteria exceeded the standard even 600 times more.

The public hand sanitizer bacteria hidden sources may mainly come from the following points: First, some public hand sanitizer exists “three no” products, the relevant departments for hand sanitizer product quality supervision sampling and risk monitoring found that the vast majority of hand sanitizer bacteria exceed the standard phenomenon, not only can not play a cleaning role will also cause secondary pollution, these The data makes a lot of people are alarmed.

The total number of bacteria in hand sanitizer national standard limit value of 1000 CFU / g, but many hand sanitizer in the total number of bacteria reached 300000 CFU / g. So the hand sanitizer itself is a vector for the spread of bacteria, which will lead to hand sanitizer hand washing “the more you wash the dirtier” the problem appears.

Second, no matter what kind of hand sanitizer, they should be used up within the expiration date. Using them out of the expiration date will lead to “the more dirty” problem.

Third, if the hand sanitizer box is not clean, it will promote the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, while the water is mixed with the hand sanitizer, the microorganisms in the diluted hand sanitizer is more likely to multiply, thus causing secondary pollution.

Silver ion antibacterial liquid

Silver ion antibacterial solution from Langyi New Material can solve the above problems. Silver ion is a recognized active ingredient with strong antibacterial ability, which mainly combines with sulfhydryl groups on proteases in bacteria and fungi, changes the membrane permeability, damages the DNA structure in the cytoplasm and inhibits its replication, so that bacteria and fungi are inactivated until they die. It can inhibit and kill many kinds of bacteria, fungi and viruses such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Helicobacter pylori, Dry bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aspergillus braziliensis and Candida albicans.

Langyi New Material uses special nano-dispersion technology to make a transparent and uniform silver ion antibacterial solution, which is easy to add to hand soap and can also be diluted separately as an antibacterial spray. For more information about silver ion antibacterial solution, please contact us at [email protected]

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