antimicrobial phone case

How to make mobile phones free from bacteria?

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Modern life is becoming increasingly inseparable from mobile phones. However, while providing great convenience to our lives, mobile phones are also a veritable breeding vessel for bacteria.

According to the results of a study, the detection rate of bacteria on university students’ mobile phones was 100% and the total bacterial count exceeded the standard by 55%, with the highest number of colonies detected in the fingerprint area (E. coli 28 CFU/cm2 and Staphylococcus aureus 31 CFU/cm2).

Mobile phones have a lot of contact with our skin, nose, mouth and ears on a daily basis, especially in summer when the rise in temperature is more conducive to bacterial multiplication. Although invisible bacterial invasion does not cause immediate illness, its harm has been quietly nesting on the human body, and when these bacteria accumulate to a certain number or reach certain conditions, it will erode human health.

So, how do you tackle bacteria on your phone? There are two solutions.

1. Sterilise your mobile phone regularly

It is recommended to wipe the entire phone with silver ion disinfectant every week (depending on personal usage rate).

antimicrobial phone case

2. Add antimicrobial technology to your phone case

The process to give mobile phone cases a safe, long-lasting and long-lasting antimicrobial effect is not really difficult, and can be obtained by simply mixing the AntibacMax antimicrobial plastic masterbatch with the plastic base material used to produce the phone case in a homogeneous blend.

AntibacMax antimicrobial agent has the following advantages.

  • Broad spectrum, killing a wide range of bacteria such as E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans.
  • Long-lasting, reproducible bactericidal, long-lasting and durable.
  • Effective, special bactericidal mechanism, no drug resistance

AntibacMax prevents the growth of microorganisms on the surface of mobile phone cases by interrupting the metabolic process of bacteria and inhibiting the proliferation of microorganisms, as well as changing the growth environment of germs, preventing their source of nutrition and depriving them of the ability to divide and reproduce, thus achieving an antibacterial and antibacterial self-cleaning effect with an antibacterial rate of 99%.

Therefore, manufacturers who want to achieve steady growth in the mobile phone case market in the “post-epidemic” era can add antibacterial agents to mobile phone cases to achieve antibacterial functions, which can enhance the selling point and added value of the products.

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