what is antimicrobial agents

A general introduction of antimicrobial agents

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What is antimicrobial?

Antimicrobial is the permanent or long-lasting inhibition of the growth and reproduction of bacteria or other microorganisms. This process, in which bacteria are either killed or killed by blocking the source of nutrition and losing the ability to reproduce, is different from short-term sterilization and decontamination.

What are antimicrobial agents?

Antimicrobial agents are chemical substances that keep the growth or reproduction of certain microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, yeasts, algae, viruses, etc.) below the necessary level for a certain period of time. Antimicrobial agents are substances or products that have antimicrobial and bactericidal properties.

What are the types of antimicrobial agents?

Inorganic antimicrobial agents

Mainly refers to silver, copper, zinc and other metals or their ions, using physical adsorption ion exchange method, attached to porous materials, using the antimicrobial ability of metal ions, through the slow-release effect to achieve the purpose of long-lasting antimicrobial. Inorganic antimicrobial agent has the advantages of broad-spectrum antimicrobial, long effective antimicrobial period, no drug resistance, high safety and good heat resistance, etc.

Organic antimicrobial agent

Organic antimicrobial agents are mainly quaternary salts, biguanides, alcohols, chlorine-containing hydrochloric acid, isothiazoles, organohalides, organometallic compounds, phenols, pyridines, mimosine halogenated alkyl groups, iodides and other antimicrobial agents as the main components. Organic antimicrobial agent heat resistance is poor (plastic processing temperature is easy to decomposition failure, and decomposition products may cause secondary pollution), easy to precipitate in the environment, easy to produce drug resistance, decomposition products toxic.

Natural antimicrobial agents

Natural antimicrobial agents are antimicrobial agents obtained by modifying natural extracts, such as chitosan chitin, hibiscus alcohol, Artemisia absinthium, aloe vera, etc. Natural antimicrobial agents are difficult to process, poor heat resistance, short life span, high antimicrobial efficiency, safe and non-toxic.

Silver ion antimicrobial agent and its property

Silver ion antimicrobial agent

Silver ion antimicrobial agent is the most commonly used antimicrobial agent, heat-resistant temperature up to 1300C or more. Its carrier has glass, zirconium phosphate, zeolite, ceramic, activated carbon, etc.. Sometimes to improve the synergistic effect, and then add some copper ions zinc ions. In addition there are zinc oxide, copper oxide inorganic antimicrobial agent.

silver ion antimicrobial agent

Langyi’s silver ion antimicrobial agent

Properties of silver ion antimicrobial agent

Silver has adsorption effect on the microorganisms in the liquid, microorganisms are adsorbed by silver, the enzymes that play a respiratory role lose their effectiveness, and the microorganisms will die quickly. Silver ion sterilization ability is particularly strong, as long as each liter of water contains two hundred million milligrams of silver ions, can kill most of the bacteria in the water.

What kind of bacteria does silver ion antimicrobial agent kill or inhibit?

Evidence of silver’s antimicrobial power has been passed down to us from ancient times. According to the information, they can treat diseases and are also antimicrobial. Silver ions are a highlight of research in the biotechnology industry and can help people living in modern times to effectively inhibit the transmission of harmful bacteria and stop the outbreak of mass infectious diseases. Silver ions are broad-spectrum and can inhibit more than 650 types of pathogenic bacteria.

Is silver ion harmful to humans?

Many manufacturers are worried that although silver ion antimicrobial agent is effective, but will there be some negative issues arise? As we mentioned earlier, silver inhibits the presence of almost all bacteria and extracellular viruses known to exist. Because the concentration used is relatively low, it is not harmful to humans and does not produce any resistance.

What is the application area of silver ion antimicrobial agent?

Silver ion antimicrobial agent can be used in all aspects of life, such as textiles, plastics, building materials, medical, military, marine, aviation and so on.

At present, more than half of the world’s airlines already use silver water filters. Swimming pools in many countries also use silver for purification, and the purified water does not irritate the eyes and skin of swimmers as water purified with chemicals does.

Modern science continues to confirm the efficacy of silver ions, and NASA has identified silver as the safest antimicrobial agent, using it as the primary material for spacecraft water containers and purifiers. More than half of the world’s airlines have chosen silver-based water purification systems.

What are the testing standards of silver ion antimicrobial products?

Antimicrobial products made with silver ion antimicrobial agent need to meet the industry’s standards before they can be marketed and sold. More information can be found in the following link.

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