Zirconium phosphate-loaded silver antimicrobial agent (CAS: 308069-39-8) in textiles

Application of Zirconium phosphate-loaded silver antimicrobial agent (CAS: 308069-39-8) in textiles

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Zirconium phosphate-loaded silver antimicrobial agent (CAS: 308069-39-8) is a new type of antimicrobial agent for textiles, which can effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi and viruses, thus maintaining the hygiene and cleanliness of textiles. The application mechanism, addition methods and application examples of zirconium phosphate-loaded silver antimicrobial agents are as follows:

Application mechanism

The main mechanism of action of zirconium phosphate loaded silver antimicrobial agent is to kill bacteria, fungi and viruses by releasing silver ions. Silver ions have a strong antibacterial power and can destroy the cell walls and cell membranes of bacteria, leading to their death. In addition, zirconium phosphate-loaded silver antimicrobial agents form a protective film that prevents bacteria from growing and multiplying on textile surfaces.

Addition methods

Zirconium phosphate silver antimicrobial agents can be added to textiles by different methods, including impregnation, spraying, coating and weaving. Impregnation is the most common method of addition and allows the antimicrobial agent to be evenly distributed in textiles. Spraying and coating are used for special textiles such as medical bandages and surgical gowns. The spinning method is an emerging addition method that allows the antimicrobial agent to be blended with the fibres to give the textile a long-lasting antimicrobial performance.

Application examples

Zirconium phosphate loaded silver antimicrobial agent has been widely used in various textiles, such as bedding clothes, shoes, socks, towels, etc. The following are some examples of applications:

  1. medical bandages: zirconium phosphate loaded silver antimicrobial agent can effectively inhibit wound infection and thus promote wound healing.
  2. Sportswear: Zirconium phosphate loaded silver antimicrobial agent can prevent sweat and bacteria from growing on sportswear, thus keeping it clean and hygienic.
  3. Household products: Zirconium phosphate silver antimicrobial agents prevent bacteria from growing and multiplying on household products such as bedding, towels and bath towels, thus maintaining a hygienic and healthy household environment.

In conclusion, zirconium phosphate loaded silver antimicrobial agent is a very effective antimicrobial agent for textiles, keeping them hygienic and clean, thus improving people’s quality of life.

Langyi’s self-developed zirconium phosphate-loaded silver antimicrobial agent is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial material with zirconium phosphate as the carrier and silver ion antimicrobial agent added. This material has a small particle size and uniform particle size distribution, and after surface treatment it can be mixed with a variety of resins, making it easy to add to various materials. If you are interested in the product, feel free to contact us to get more information or apply for a sample. In addition, free antimicrobial test services are provided if you use our additives in your products.

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